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The common Bed bug, Cimex lectularius has been infesting peoples’ homes worldwide for centuries. Adults are small, brownish insects, just under a ¼” long and are relatively flat. They are nearly as wide as they are long, and oval. All members of the family Cimicidae feed exclusively on blood which they require to develop and reproduce. Though they commonly derive their blood meals from people they can alternatively utilize dogs, cats, birds, and rodents.
Bed bugs typically feed at night but will under certain conditions feed during the day. The Bed bug has 3 life cycle stages, eggs, nymphs, and adult. The eggs are small (about 1 mm.), whitish, and difficult to see on most surfaces without magnification. Under ideal conditions of food, humidity and temperature Bed bugs can complete development from egg to mature adult in 2 months. Bed bugs live for about a year (unless professionally exterminated by Enviro-Guard Plus), and a female Bed bug can produce 100s of eggs in her lifetime. Interestingly it has been documented that under certain conditions Bed bugs can survive for up to a year or more without a blood meal.


Seeing a single Bed bug or the black staining associated with the waste of Bed bugs means you probably have an infestation. The main areas to check are the piping, seams and tags of the mattress and box spring, and in the cracks and crevices on the bed frame and headboard.
Bed bug bites are typically associated with visible redness, inflammation, and itchiness but not everybody reacts in the same way and some people do not react at all. Here are pictures of typical reactions and as you can see, they tend to appear in rows of 3 or more welts.
An infestation of Bed bugs can be effectively treated and eliminated with the cooperation of the resident or tenant. An infestation will need a professional service by an exterminator, may we recommend Enviro-Guard Plus. Our Office will send out a Service Preparation Sheet to advise you regarding the steps to be taken prior to our service.