Our Program
Our programs for both mice and rats are similar with the only exception being rats are somewhat smarter in avoiding most rodent control efforts, so resolution typically takes a bit longer. It is especially important to get cooperation from the homeowner or tenant; a collaborative effort may involve changing the feeding times of house pets, taking away any attractive food stuffs, temporary stoppage of bird and squirrel feeding, ensuring the closing of doors and windows, etc.
Your Technician will also need you to report any visible signs of activity as well as associated sounds. Noise heard at night is typically rats and/or mice since both are nocturnal in nature.
Our Program Involves:
- Correct identification of the rodent
- Finding food sources and areas of harbourage
- Finding entry points if the mice/rats are gaining access into the home
- Implementing a service potentially involving various control products (glue boards, Tin cats, snap traps, or rodenticides)
- As the program is proceeding service reports and dialogue will ensure that the customer is aware of the progress
- Once resolution is attained structural deficiencies will be highlighted (minor ones will be addressed by the Tech and more complicated fixes left for a licensed contractor)
Keeping Rats and Mice Out of Your Home and Yard
The most effective way to prevent a rodent problem in your home is to follow a few guidelines. With a little bit of yard work, good sanitation practices, and sound property management, rodents will not be attracted to your property.
- Don't feed the birds. The seeds and ground grains that go into most bird-food mixtures are a delightful treat for rodents, as evidenced by the presence of squirrels (larger cousins to rats) that enjoy bird feeders. Feeding the birds is an admirable hobby, but you should not be surprised when mice and rats are drawn to the ground around your feeders. If you must feed birds, keep your feeders as far from the house as possible and minimize spillage.
- Pick up all garbage and dog feces. Garbage bins kept alongside the house will be a siren call to rats and mice (and maybe bigger pests, such as raccoons or stray dogs and cats) unless they are kept tightly sealed with airproof lids. If possible, keep these utility containers as far from your house as you can. Metal garbage bins are preferable. Pick up all garbage and dog feces daily and store in a sealed container until garbage day pick up.
- Feeding Pets outside. It is preferable that pets are not fed outside. Water dishes left out are okay. If it is necessary to leave out food during the day for your pets, pick up spilled food and remove food dishes at the end of the day. Mice and rats are nocturnal, and it is highly recommended not to leave pet food out overnight.
- Keep the perimeter of property clear. Do not store items along the exterior wall because this provides rodents with harborage or a safe place to hide and make homes. Repair any holes in the foundation, check vent covers and make sure all doors seal tightly at the bottom.